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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters! Empty Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

Post by Green Devil 23rd December 2009, 17:51

This is for anyone down in the Lethbridge area that needs 'Age Verification'.

It turns out that I will be passing through Lethbridge on the weekend of January 2nd, 2010. My son has a hockey tourniment in Pincher Creek that weekend so there will be two opportunities to get verified that weekend. I don't know what time I will be passing through just yet but if you are going to be around that weekend, let me know. We can pick a time and place to meet when I know more.
Green Devil
Green Devil

Number of posts : 2003
Age : 51
Location : Lake Newell Resort, AB
Registration date : 2008-05-25


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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters! Empty Re: Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

Post by MrDow123 23rd December 2009, 19:06

I should defenitely be available on that weekend

If you need to know my phone number just PM me asking for my number and I'll reply back with it

Just so you know, since I got fired recently they took my only photo ID, so hopefully you trust me enough to bring documents with my name and date of birth on them. The documents I will bring include my birth certificate, promise to appear (shop lifting charge back in my tree planting, cherry picking, hippy, poor days) and my hunting license.

Looking forward to meeting you soon Wade

Number of posts : 38
Age : 33
Location : Lethbridge, AB
Registration date : 2009-12-02

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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters! Empty Re: Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

Post by watertonwarrior 4th February 2010, 10:27

what is age verification?

Number of posts : 10
Age : 45
Location : Waterton, AB
Registration date : 2010-01-29

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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters! Empty Re: Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

Post by Darklen 4th February 2010, 11:12

Age Verification is a process developed by Airsoft Canada to help prevent minors from aquiring airsoft guns and parts to make airsoft guns. At the time, clear guns were unheard of and there were a lot of problems with kids running through their neighbourhood streets with black guns, resulting in a lot of tactical team calls. In an effort to help preserve what we had of the sport and show the community at large can police itself, ASC came up with Age Verification. In order to access the guns and accessories classifieds area on ASC, you must be Age verified. That is, you must prove you are 18 years of age or over. While it started as an ASC specific thing, many other forums and most of the retailers use some form of it. Short of bringing in "black" guns yourself, which run a huge risk of seizure by CBSA along with possible criminal charges, it's pretty much the only way to get "black" guns, aka the high end stuff like Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, KSC, ICS, G&P, G&G, Jing Gong, etc. I'm not talking about the Cansoft/clearsoft stuff/crap. I'm talking about the good quality guns.

The ASC process is simple. There's thread on ASC about who and where the ASC Age Verifiers are along with their prefered method of contact. You contact the closest one to you, in this case Green Devil, and arrange for a face to face meeting. It must be done face to face. No faxes, no emails, no webcams. In person or not at all. You must provide government issued photo ID. A drivers license, a PAL, ALCB ID card, etc. The Verifier takes down your info and submits it to the admins on ASC. Then once a week or so, one of the Tier 1 admins goes through the list and "flicks the switch". Viola, you're now Age Verfiied with full access to the ASC classifieds. JOC has the same process though if you're AV'd on ASC, the mods on JOC can conact you on ASC for confirmation and AV you on JOC.

The most often asked question? I have a PAL/RPAL. I went through all the courses. Isn't that good enough if I give you my PAL/RPAL number?

Well, no, that's no how it works. ASC isn't a government agency and does not have access to the CFC database for confirmation. Even if we could get access, it violates the Privacy Act.

Second most asked question. Can I get AV'd so I can buy guns for my kids/friends/minor team members? Well, you could, but AV is only for the person AV'd. If you said that to the Verifier, you won't get Verified. Period. Ever. You'd be put on a flag list. If you got AV'd and were found to be purchasing through ASC for your kids/friends/minor team members, you'd lose your AV status forever.

Having said all this, with all the BS and "flaws" as some say the system has, it's the best we have going for us until the government comes up with some other type of control measure, not to say it'd be better, just official and legally binding. Additionally, most Verfiers, myself included, like to visit and chat with the person getting verfied. It helps to feel out if the person wants really want to play, wants to collect or just wants a replica Glock to shove in his pants to "play the role" for his homies. Yes, that happened to me and, no, he didn't get verified. I made a judgement call and considered him too much of a risk to the community. I'd heard through the grapevine he tried to get his PAL/RPAL as well. Didn't get that either. At least sometimes the system works.


Number of posts : 358
Age : 57
Location : Red Deer, AB
Registration date : 2008-06-08


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Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters! Empty Re: Attention All Lethbridge Airsofters!

Post by watertonwarrior 4th February 2010, 16:09

thanx, i'll bring my id fer sure

Number of posts : 10
Age : 45
Location : Waterton, AB
Registration date : 2010-01-29

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