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Run Forest!!!

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Run Forest!!! Empty Run Forest!!!

Post by Guest 7th June 2008, 22:42

My name is Mat Collett, this will be season number 2 with the spartans (if i can ever get time to get a gun in my hand). I was around for the begining of team sparta but was not much of an influence due to the move away from brooks.

I am a big fan of the M-series rifles and have to say that at present time cody fields my favorite gun (there's an ego stroke for ya buddy). Even though I am currently gunless. My favorite camo has to be desert camo. It is fairly useless from late spring to early fall though, so i use woodland camo during those times. I prefer mid range combat and seem to hold my own at that range.

In closing I would like to thank cody for introducing me to the game and for all his help. Without him i would have never met so many good and like minded people.

Hope to catch in my cross hairs.



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Run Forest!!! Empty Good to see you Mat

Post by Green Devil 7th June 2008, 22:58

Hi Mat,

Long time since we have seen you in person. At least it seems that way. Glad to see you in here and I hope you can get up here for some games soon.
Green Devil
Green Devil

Number of posts : 2003
Age : 51
Location : Lake Newell Resort, AB
Registration date : 2008-05-25


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