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Hey! Empty Hey!

Post by Guest 27th May 2008, 22:24

Heys Guys Welcome to AB Airsoft!!!!
My name is Cody Dufour, been playin with my $700 collection of clearsoft/crapsoft for 2 years then was introduced to the real sport of AIRSOFT. Been in the game for 2 years now. Generally have a great time whenever I'm out! Got to get out more! Because "like Wade" my wife has watched the bank account DRAIN!!! I'm surprised we're still married!LOL!!

Anyways VERY PROUD to say that I'm one of the founding members of THEE BEST AIRSOFT GROUP IN BROOKS!!!! (might I add) The Spartans!!

On the field I like to take on the counter sniper position! For some reason I do well at that. LOL!! My Camo (to date) is Woodland Camo. I'm and M-series whore, and side arm of choice is my Desert Eagle!

All in all I've acquired some very awesome friendships! I'm out there to have fun! If we don't win oh well! I make up for it the next game!!


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